City Quest is now listed on Small Ideas
Small Ideas is like the Entertainment Book for family activities, so I'm very proud to announce that we are now listed in their Melbourne directory!
Subscribers to Small Ideas get exclusive discounts to family friendly activities and attractions all over Australia. My baby is a little small for it yet, but I'm looking forward to taking advantage of membership in the near future.
I felt that my City Quest walking tours would fit in perfectly at Small Ideas, since the Quests are family friendly, are a perfect activity for school holidays, and help to get kids off screens and involved in the world around them.
In fact, children can learn a lot from going on a Quest. Skills like problem solving, navigation, resilience and following instructions are all essential for success in today's world. But you don't have to be in a classroom to learn them. A couple of hours wandering Melbourne's Gardens solving puzzles is a great way to develop those abilities.
The Grand Gardens Quest is ideal for families with younger children as the puzzle is simpler to complete. Choose the Sweet Treats dining option for a special surprise at the end!
Also, stay tuned for a new Quest coming out for even younger Questers - Fitzroy Fairies! Subscribe to our mailing list below to get updates.
Definitely check out Small Ideas if you are looking for discounts on family activities, and visit our listing while you're there!